          未來的混戰一場:解放軍飛彈 威脅日韓美軍6基地 【Comment】 Though China cannot challenge the US referring to the global naval forces now, but she is developing the ability of "the Access Denial." It will become a reality a 酒店經紀ny time soon. Once "the Access Denial" becomes real, the US as well as Japan has to re-think her engagement to the armed conflict around 借貸East China Sea and Taiwan Strait. "The Scenario of 2011" describes that the US and the allies can win the battle. Can the US let China do as the defeat 保濕面膜 does if she wins? What the US should do if she cannot win over the water near China coast? Will the US win or have the chance to win next time? What Japan and South Korea consider 節能燈具the missiles hit the US military bases? Does it mean the attack on them or just on the US? What Russia will do at this situation? This report shows the picture of the possible armed conflict in the fut 會場佈置ure won't be a simple bilateral matter. It will be a multinational battle without any delay. It is a very dangerous situation; and no one can say the result. The US military bases at Asia Pacific and Indian Ocean 好房網 美國會報告/解放軍飛彈 威脅日韓美軍6基地●自由(2010.11.13) 〔駐美特派員曹郁芬/華府十一日報導〕美國國會經濟暨安全審查委員會預定在十七日公佈的一份報告指出,解放軍的非核子飛彈有能力攻擊並癱瘓美國空軍位於日韓的五至六個軍事基地。 彭 裝潢博新聞十一日取得報告摘要指出,解放軍的短中程飛彈已取得長足進步,有能力抑制美軍在西太平洋的軍事行動。報告說,中國目前的軍力可影響韓國烏山和群山空軍基地,以及日本的嘉手納、三澤市和橫田三個空軍基地。 報告說,解放軍可以摧毀這些基地的跑道,停在機坪的戰機、加油和維修設施,這些 酒店打工基地都在距離中國一千一百公里以內。 報告說,經過幾十年改良的彈道飛彈和航母配備的精準武器,大大增強了解放軍的能力,這個策略原本是中國用以阻止美國軍事介入台灣危機或在這個區域行動,未來中國將部署的反艦飛彈會對美軍形成嚴重阻絕能力,可攻擊美國航母。 報告建議重新評估預算以強化這些日韓的美 保濕面膜軍基地,例如部署飛彈防禦系統、早期預警系統,加強跑道修復能力等。前國防部台灣科長石明凱說,這份報告提出更強烈而明確的警告。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 婚禮顧問  .

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